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The Second Half
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April 4, 2006
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The second half got off to a great start last night. I am just waiting for the next ep with my breath held to see how all of these strings tie together. Who thinks DL breaks Nikki out of the asylum? Raise your hand. The look on Hiro's face when he drew the "sword" was beautiful. Claire is really having a hard time with all of this and I am looking forward to the point where she eventually confronts her dad, who I still haven't decided is a bad guy or good guy yet. But, I think I am narrowing down who the major villain is gonna turn out to be. Any guesses on that one? Hint: Nikki knows him, Simone knows him.....

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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If Claude (Chris Eccelston) Doesn't Doesn't have his British Accent I will be pissed . It was hard to tell when he was yelling.
Does any one think that Hiro's Sword turns out to be a Dumbo Feather?

Will someone shut that man up
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July 1, 2006
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Forgot to put this down before, Did it look like Nikki using the power and not Jessica?

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
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cooky37 wrote: Forgot to put this down before, Did it look like Nikki using the power and not Jessica?

Will someone shut that man up

You mean when she snapped the cop's baton? That looked like Nikki to me. But Jess has gottne to where she is popping in and out so fast, it is hard to tell.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
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Think how kicking A she'll be when she merges her two personalities. Do you think she'll have more than two personalities? will that mean she has more than one power?...........NAH!!!!!

did they realy need to translate Hiro's gulp?

So, who do you think is claires real Daddy? I have 3 guesses
1) Horned rim glasses is her genetic father and he had a trist with Claires Bio Mommy
2) could it be the older Patrelli brother. that would realy screw with those who wanted claire and peter to team up
3)linderman, Linderman, LINDERMAN

Will someone shut that man up
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January 28, 2007
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It's pretty obvious now that "all roads lead to Linderman." I'm betting Claire's "dad" is working for him. I didn't record the episode so I couldn't check, but is the symbol Hiro pointed out on the sword the same as the one that appears on Nikki's back?

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March 14, 2006
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offworldgirl wrote: It's pretty obvious now that "all roads lead to Linderman." I'm betting Claire's "dad" is working for him. I didn't record the episode so I couldn't check, but is the symbol Hiro pointed out on the sword the same as the one that appears on Nikki's back?

It's the same symbol from its appearance on the sword. I'm going to guess also its Linderman whose Claire's father. Last Monday's episode was kind of slow, it didn't help much that Hiro and Ando were running around in a parking lot until we see Hiro's father at the end, and George didn't even say anything. They do give you good "to be continued" endings that's for sure.

Last edited by rayman on Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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This weeks episode was slightly disappointing, but it was still good. I think they were going for the comic books style when they translated Hiro's gulp.

As for who Clare's father is, I'll be a sheep and guess Linderman as well. The man's name keeps popping up enough that it's more than mere conicidence.

Look, I didn't hear any screaming or squishing sounds.
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I liked Last weeks ep. and it was a great cliff hanger to see Hero's father at the end as to who the real father of the cheerleader is we'll have to wait.

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April 4, 2006
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This was a great episode for me. It set up so much. Did everyone catch that, at one point, when Peter is arguing with Caude, Chris Eccleston muttered "Fantastic." Nice nod to Doctor Who. Linderman is the obvious choice for Claire's dad. I am really itching to see who plays Linderman.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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This thought just came to me; Wouldn't have the security camera over the ATM caught Micha taking the money?

Look, I didn't hear any screaming or squishing sounds.
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July 1, 2006
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not unless mcha told the camera not to tape him

Will someone shut that man up
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March 14, 2006
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Last Monday's episode was much better, but why did it have to be Nathan? Linderman would have been a better choice. George was also great playing Hiro's father. Someone spotted NCC 1701 on the license plate, I'll have to see that episode again.

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April 4, 2006
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rayman wrote: Last Monday's episode was much better, but why did it have to be Nathan? Linderman would have been a better choice. George was also great playing Hiro's father. Someone spotted NCC 1701 on the license plate, I'll have to see that episode again.

The NCC 1701 was on the limo plate. I laughed at that and then laughed even harder when I realized this was the first time I had seen Takei in a vehicle with that number that he wasn't driving!!!!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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July 1, 2006
Posts: 862

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I thought it might be Nathan. What a better way to throw a monkey Wrench into the whole Cliare/Peter thing. I also guessed that the father might have powers too

Will someone shut that man up
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